Thursday, January 5, 2017

Transition (personal)

After eighteen and a quarter years I'm now officially retired from Stanford and the LOCKSS Program. Its been a privilege to work with the LOCKSS team all this time, and especially with Tom Lipkis, whose engineering skills were essential to the program's success.

I'm grateful to Michael Keller, Stanford's Librarian, who has consistently supported the program, to the National Science Foundation, Sun Microsystems, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (especially to Don Waters) for funding the development of the system, and to the member institutions of the LOCKSS Alliance and the CLOCKSS Archive for supporting the system's operations.

I'm still helping with a couple of on-going projects, so I still have a e-mail address. And I have the generous Stanford retiree benefits. Apart from my duties as a grandparent, and long-delayed tasks such as dealing with the mess in the garage, I expect also to be doing what I can to help the Internet Archive, and continuing to write for my blog.

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